His Love is for You
This is not a fantasy. Jesus loves you the same way our Father loves Him. Your conscience may compare you to righteous standards you do not consistently fulfill. Therefore, you may tend to evaluate yourself in a manner that disconnects you from the Lord’s affections. Listen, you do not need to disqualify yourself from this reality. Consider the spiritual, emotional, social state of these disciples. They were not paragons of spiritual maturity. Still, Jesus told those men that He really loved them.
A way to meditate upon the Scriptures is personalizing the truth. This happens when we deliberately identify with the sacred text.
It is important to prioritize our meditations to have our minds continually transformed into the image of the Messiah’s inner life. Along these lines, it is beyond dispute that Jesus knew His Father’s love. We are called to believe and experience the same thing. To help us dwell in that reality we can train our minds and hearts to conform to this truth.
Here are some examples of personalizing God’s love. Find the ones with which you most easily identify and follow through.
Confession of unbelief:
Jesus, I do not believe You love me the same way Your Father loves You.
Confession of doubt:
Jesus, obviously, our Father finds You to be worth loving. It is difficult to believe that You find me to be worth loving.
Asking for help:
Lord Jesus, I believe. Help my unbelief.
Praying the Scripture:
Jesus, You love me just like Father loves you.
Confessing this truth:
Jesus, loves me just like Father loves Him.
Gratitude for this reality:
Thank You for revealing that You love me in the same way our Father loves You.
Praise for this great love:
Your love for me is amazing! It’s the same type of love that Father has for You!
Lord, according to Your word, I receive Your love. I expect to experience Your affection and commitment to me. Thank you.
Make it personal. Meditate on this: “… as the Father loves Me so have I loved you …” (John 15:9a)
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Check out the small group curriculum, based on the book, God’s True Love!