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Dear friends of the Love of God Project,

To view the contents of the Love of God Seminar go to this link: The Course

The rest of these links are for those who have taken the Seminar (or Course) or are preparing to do so. They can also supplement our book, “God’s True Love”. If you haven’t gotten that book, I urge you to do so. Meanwhile, study, uncover, discover for yourself.

Agape Lists:

To view every verse in the New Testament which has an “agape” reference go to this link: Agape: New Testament Verses

To view every verse in the Septuagint, the Greek Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (“Old Testament”) which has an “agape” reference go to this link: Agape: Septuagint Verses

There are often a lot of questions asked about the “Four Greek Words for Love”. These lists will be helpful to you as you discover God’s true love.

Phileo Lists:

Here is every time “phileo” is used in the New Testament: Phileo in the New Testament

This is a list of compound words that contain “phileo”: Phileo: compound words

Phileo is also found in the Septuagint: Phileo in the LXX


To see every time “storge” is used in the Bible and Apocrypha view this link: Storge: every verse in the Bible and Apocrypha


To see every time “eros” is used in the Bible (and Apocrypha) go here: Eros

Devotional Study:

Illustrating the “Agape Conundrum” from John 3: John 3: Examples of Agape

Work through this exercise and determine the types of “agape” employed in the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and in John 3

Some, in absolutizing “Agape”, believe that “Agape” is too holy a love to describe our love for God: Agape Towards God: too sublime for us?

This is a long article on wrongly directed Agape: Fallen Agape

Some people think that “Phileo” is too natural to describe a relationship with God. Is that true? Phileo: too natural for God?

Here’s a brief article on God’s affectionate love: An Epiphany of His Affection

This is a short article dealing with holy love and will power. Which comes first? What is holy love like? Read: Carts Before Horses: thoughts on 1 Corinthians 13

Concerning objections to prioritizing abiding in Jesus’ love, go here: Religion and the Command to Abide 

This brief study will help you appreciate the apostolic instructions as windows into Jesus’ Love: Exhortations as Windows into Jesus’ Love for You

On a similar topic, this article is about viewing God’s heart through His commandments: Commandments as Windows

For those interested in further study on the motivation behind God’s “electing” love read this article. It is long, it is valuable: For the Sake of the Patriarchs