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Endorsements for Leaders, Do Unto Others

David Harwood combines decades of pastoral ministry with a deep, personal spirituality and a solid grasp of God’s Word. You will be enriched and helped as you read this practical book, especially if you are a leader in the Body.

Dr. Michael Brown, author and host of the Line of Fire radio broadcast


I would like to see all our leaders read it. A good checkup for all.

Daniel C Juster, Th.D., Founder of Tikkun International, author


It’s an honor for me to endorse David Harwood’s book. Why? Because he’s a great friend. But more than that, because he practices what he preaches. The man spills love everywhere he goes. As you read this book, you’re sitting at the feet of a veteran in the faith who has tested and proven these truths through practical living. Pull up a chair, get close, and take the time to learn from one of the Lord’s favorites.

Bob Sorge, author, Secrets of the Secret Place


Hi David – what a great book.

Pastor David Harwood\’s book deserves to be widely read and its principles practised. Although some of these principles have been included in various Christian leadership training courses I have seen and written, there is much here that should have been included but has not been. It makes me think there is a real void in many Christian leadership courses and that we have built the house without making sure the foundation was fully laid. This book is both challenging and inspiring. I am grateful to Ps. David for writing an thoroughly Bible-based manual for Christians to become better people, disciples, followers and leaders. I am grateful to God for His Divine help in becoming all He has called me to be and to do all He has called me to do. 

Nick Watson

Prophetic Power Ministries, Australia


David. I’ve been reading your discourse on what true leadership is and I am greatly impressed with the message you are giving in answer to this question. If leaders would get this engrafted unto themselves there would be little opportunity for Satan to use his wiles to cause strife and contention in the church. They should keep this book near to go back to it in the future. …  Only living Christ can bring harmony and love in a church. I hope this is widely distributed and FOLLOWED among leaders.

Mike Snyder, Bible Teacher

Former Administrator of Chapel Library


Reader brace yourself to receive the love challenge to radiate the warmth and fire of God. This writer shows how far LOVE should go. Only one with a deep life giving friendship with the Father could give this love challenge. 

Pastor Jay Francis,

Pastor, Rock Road Chapel, Berne, NY,

Founder of International Accelerated Missions


There’s an authenticity that’s found in David Harwood’s writings that only comes through someone who both talks the talk and walks the walk. He’s been a faithful friend to me who truly does treat others as he would want to be treated. Real and refreshing!

Charles Simpson

Pastor, Oasis Christian Center,

Long Island City, NY 


David, once again, has written a book based on the Scriptures and how they apply to today’s life experiences. It is a book every leader should keep close at hand and constantly refer to in order to become the leader that will inspire those he leads and shepherds. Much like David’s other books the love of God comes across the pages in ways that makes one want to be the leader God intended them to be.

Bob Lester

Regional Director 

Elim Fellowship//Carolinas


I love this book. … This statement sums up the book. \”Through washing their feet, Jesus brought the crucifixion into everyday interaction. He demonstrated a fundamental motive of true leadership: sincere love for the Body and the members who comprise it.\”

Byron Wicker, Pastor River Life, Mooresville, North Carolina


Rarely do I hear a message that impacts every area of my life.  David\’s message on the love of God, now applied to leadership, is one of those rare messages.  … Servant leaders who follow the Messiah are to love the ones they lead, the way He has loved them!  So read this book. Then read all of David\’s books. They are intended to help the hungry, the humble, and the teachable. They have the potency, not only to adjust paradigms for relational leadership, but point us towards greater intimacy with God. And intimacy impacts everything.

Richard Cleary, M. Div.

Lead Pastor at Kingdom Living Messianic Congregation 

Member of the Tikkun American Apostolic Team


The basic premise of your book stands in stark contrast to the typical American Evangelical Exceptionalism that pervades within church subculture. I feel encouraged by the simplicity (not that it\’s easy!) of the outworking of the Jesus principal of leadership. I\’m looking for the Jesus way and you seem to be pointing us to it. I mistrust so much of what I see happening in the church today and I yearn for a return to the path of wisdom and circumspection. Your attempt to communicate leadership values through the lens of Jesus is what we need right now.

Andy Squyres, Worship Pastor, recording artist/songwriter, Queens City Church, Charlotte, N.C.


I have been reading a refreshing and revealing devotional on Leadership authored by a dear friend, Pastor David Harwood. This devotional has been stirring my own heart, and I trust it will stir yours as well. 

Dr. Leon van Rooyen

Founder and President, Global Ministries and Relief, Inc.


David Harwood is a trusted, and admired longtime friend. As I began to read \”Leaders, Do Unto Others\” I immediately loved what David was saying and how he said it. It has the potential to become a standard go to volume on the subject of Christian Leadership found on many pastor’s shelves. The revelation that biblical leadership should primarily be guided and defined by the greatest commandment, plus the one that Jesus said was second in importance, is simple, profound, and divinely inspired. I plan on using this material in any future courses and seminars on leadership that we do within the His Heart Missions Fellowship of Ministries.

Jim Santiago Hill

Int. Director / Senior Pastor

His Heart Missions Fellowship


I highly recommend David Harwood’s new book to any leader.  I have been a leader for over 45 years and I was very blessed by its content. I have known David for four decades and he is the real deal. I can honestly say he is a good man.  He is also one of the smartest leaders I know.  His approach is simple and very helpful. This little book is very worth meditating upon and applying to your life and leadership

Lance Pittluck- Vineyard Elder


In this short, thoughtful, simple, subversive missive from David he brings to the fore Jesus’ leadership style in sharp contrast to that which is practiced in the church today. It is chock full of wisdom and practical, prayerful suggestions for those who want to seriously reflect on their leadership style and bring it closer to Jesus’ – one based on love and Servanthood.  I highly recommend this thoughtful, practical tool to those ready to do the hard work of becoming the faithful under-shepherds of the lover of our souls. I pray it finds good soil in the hearts of those who are called to lead God’s people in this challenging time in the church’s history. 

Father Michael Paciello, Charismatic Episcopal Church, Founder of Pillars of Reconciliation


This is a ‘must read’ for everyone in the body of Christ written by my good friend, David Harwood. There was a pandemic of another nature at one time ~ authoritarian leadership where damaged leaders wrecked many lives in the name of godly submission! An ungodly and totally destructive model! David’s book is refreshing and informative with a focus on servant leadership. Whether you are starting your calling into ministry or been ‘on the road’ a long time this is for you.

Alan Ross, Prophet, Pastor, Academic


This quick-to-read book by Pastor David Harwood is a treasure full of succinct, deep, and practical
insights enriching to any reader! These reflections genuinely grew out from his own most passionate,
personal, pursuit to ever-better grasp and share God’s true love. This biblically sound work will inspire leaders to consider new ways to enhance their approaches with a renewed awareness of the intensity of God’s love and care. Read it to re-ignite reverence for the Lord, renew motivation, and find rest and restoration as a servant leader. This collection realigns readers with the Golden Rule freshly applied in multiple constructive ways. Whether in a more secure encouraging season or a more depleting difficult one – this work rekindles inspiration to be atmosphere shifters, even more authentically rooted and grounded in the depth and breadth of love – the atmosphere of heaven. It is packed with stabilizing, life-producing reminders – like how commissioning comes from communion, love is to be at the core of every righteous act, and healthy leadership grows out of the foundation of knowing that we’re loved. As Pastor Harwood states, “Love does not guarantee wisdom. Love seeks wisdom,” and these unique essays are full of loving wisdom!

Elita  Barnhart, MDiv, MSW, Founder of Willows Wind, author of Abide and Shine

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